Using wolfssl in Visual Studio
Some notes on using wolfSSL in Visual Studio. See my blog Getting Started with wolfSSL...
Some notes on using wolfSSL in Visual Studio. See my blog Getting Started with wolfSSL...
Some notes on using PSK. Rebuild wolfSSL, create static shared library in $HOME/wolfssl-install-psk. make clean...
Here are some tips and reminders of where to find ESP32 toolchains for the Sysprogs...
I’m applying to speak at Arduino Days 2025! Securing Arduino Projects with Industrial Grade wolfSSL...
Some notes on setting up the SiFive Unmatched RISC-V to boot from an NVMe SSD....
Log all terminal window output to a file. For putty.exe this is under Session -...
Notes on fixing “invalid byte sequence in UTF-8” message in markdown files. Reminder that the...
This is a blog about my SiFive HiFive Unmatched build. Components used: HiFive Unmatched Rev...
From Initially launched in 2016 as a tool for assisting developers in migrating their...
I gave a presentation at Hackaday Supercon 2024 in Pasadena, CA. Thank you to everyone...
Embedded Linux on the ESP32-S3 This is a newbies guide to Embedded Linux on the...
I first learned about the orbtrace-mini on Hackaday. Upon reading that article, I immediately sent...
This is some info for Hazard3. Currently messy and WIP. The notes are for setting...
Hackaday Supercon is back!! Here’s a little Badge SAO idea: Wireless SSH Access! I’ll have...
Here are some notes on removing the mbedTLS and using the commercial-grade wolfSSL encryption libraries...
Notes on Wren6991’s Hazard3 Soft RISC-V with JTAG See the YosysHQ OSS CAD Suite Installation...
Sniffing WiFi packets on an ESP32 during development. This blog documents the network configuration used...
Setting up the ICE-V Wireless ESP32-C3 RISC-V + iCE40 FPGA development board with the Award...
The FTDI 2232, such as the one found on the Espressif ESP32-Ethernet-Kit V1.2 is normally...
There’s a new open source ESP32 + FPGA Board! I recently received a ICE-V Wireless...
PREVIEW, WIP Here are some notes on the Espressif ESP32 Hardware Encryption Features for wolfSSL....
Here are some notes on single-step JTAG debugging the Espressif ESP32 using the Tigard from...
Create an embedded UART SSH Server on the Adafruit Huzzah ESP8266. Securely connect to Tx/Rx...
When things go really sideways and the GitHub master branch of a fork is so...
So you have a ULX3S and want to connect via SSH. Yes! This is quite...
Some note on the development of the ESP32 SSH Server. TL;DR Don’t use WSL while...
Some tips for using wolfSSL on the Espressif ESP32 Getting Started with wolfSSL for Espressif...
wolfSSL install Some tips on hooking up wired-ethernet ENC28J60 to the ESP32. I found this...
By default the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter-X acts as a swtich, meaning packets from other ports will...
Understanding TLS 1.3 connections with wolfSSL. wolfSSL is an open source, widely-used encryption library used...
As part of my homework and class project for the Making Embedded Systems class, here...
Various tips and reminders when developing for the ESP32. Problem: Forgot how to program with...
Some information on using Segger JLink to OpenOCD GDB debug an ESP32 project, specifically my...
Some notes on a sample wolfSSL project for the ESP32. the wolfssh include directory needs...
Some notes on RISC-V debugging. There are JTAG interfaces avilable on many hardware devices for...
Some notes on setting up the wolfSSL SSH project. See also the ESP32 SSH Server...
NOTE: This page is retained only for historical / reference reasons only. GH Pages fails...
(draft / WIP v2) UPDATE: See my ESP32 to UART SSH Server and ESP8266 to...
The first search result from 2015 was this little gem: GitHub pages runs Jekyll in...
(draft - WIP) I’ve been wanting to learn more about some of the EDA tools...
The Envos BenchBox 3 has some upgrades, and possible hardware modification due. If like me,...
These are my notes on sniffing Ethernet packets with the Radiona ULX3S FPGA. I first...
Here are some tips in creating a new GitHub Pages Jekyll virtual directory First, see...
Here are some tips in creating a new GitHub Pages virtual directory: what didn’t work....
I’m using the defauly Jekyll sytax highlighter that works well, until it doesn’t. Reminder that...
I was inspired by the little icon on the jscroll site. I’d like to have...
Another cool feature I wanted to fix was the infinite scrolling of blog previews. This...
What’s a blog without dark mode? My prior blog home had only dark mode. I was inspired by Aleksandr’s blog with a clever little lamp that toggles between light and dark mode.
As convenient as marginally is... I've decided enough is enough with the wonky editing,...
This a blog about NordVPN (and networking setup in general) for the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X. If you are...
Here are some notes on programming the Lattice Semiconductor iCE40 FPGA chip. This is supplementary...
These are my (admittedly sometimes long and rambling) thoughts and more of a "review" of...
Setting up Cisco Linksys EA3500 as WiFi to WiFi (STA mode) to have wired ethernet...
I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to persuade native Raspberry Pi OS to...
Connecting ethernet wired-only equipment to WiFi. TL;DR install dnsmasq, edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf to setup DHCP server...
Some notes on setting up a fresh Raspberry Pi. TL;DR Edit 4 files on the...
Over the weekend, I received my EEZ Bench Box 3 that I backed on Crowd...
The Woodpecker boards shares the USB 5VDC line with the power input. I use a...
This is a continuation of my prior blog on limit switch mounting hardware design for...
This is a continuation of my prior blog: The road to CNC3018 Limit Switches. These parts...
Almost two years to the day! It was way back in 2018 that I bought...
Some time ago I bought a personal CNC machine, as I had always wanted to...
I bought my first-ever reflow oven! I've been wanting to learn to solder SMD devices...
In my previous post on the iCEBreaker Bitsy FPGA - early adopter version, I mentioned...
A couple of weeks ago, I ordered the early adopter iCEBreaker bitsy FPGA board. It arrived...
The last time I used my Arduino MKR WIFI 1010 was way back when I wrote a...
Today I received a DM on Twitter asking for help to program an FPGA (specifically...
This weekend I went from File-New-Project, Right-Click - Build... to a ULX3S bit file! This was...
After the previous pains of getting Circuit Python to just build for the FOMU, it...
I started down the road of learning FPGA Circuit Python last month, with the (admittedly...
My next post (aka notes to self) on getting a RISC-V compiled app onto the...
First .. the exciting news: With 24 days still left in the Crowd Funding Campaign,...
My ESP32-S2 Saola R1 arrived!! What exactly is that? Well, I wondered the same thing....
Today is ULX3S Campaign Launch Day on Crowd Supply !! As I write this, funding...
Some notes on setting up a soft RISC-V CPU to run Circuit Python. I started...
In the category of "why didn't I do this sooner" - I finally setup my...
It has been over a year since I first learned about the Radiona ULX3S development...
My January efforts have focused on writing C# on an embedded device. Yes, you read...
Today I learned that IceStudio supports the ULX3S ! I thought I'd first try it...
Visual Studio has a tremendously helpful code generator for accessing a SOAP API without needing...
Some notes on the NanoVNA - The tiny, inexpensive Vector Network Analyzer. A few months...
This blog is a walk-though using the Visual Micro Arduino IDE in Visual Studio 2019...
I've been learning about FPGA devices... recording my thoughts, experiences, and technical notes here on...
April has been the month to learn about Visual Studio Editor Extensions. Weekend #1 was the...
March has been FPGA learning month. I created some examples that were accepted by emard...
Last year, I wrote about the ALINX AD/DA Module that I found on fleabay. Anyone interested...
I want to better understand my new ULX3S, and I was hoping to use FOSS...
I continue to learn about my latest gizmo that arrived all the way from Croatia...
I first learned about the ULX3S via the Hackaday Article last month. (see also There...
In my prior blogs, I wrote about the difficulties I encountered in using WSL for...
As noted in my prior blog on nextpnr, WSL does not support graphic apps. Yes,...
After getting the tinyFPGA working with the yosys / Arachne-PNR / icestorm toolchain as noted...
In my previous blog, I wrote about the problems I encountered with programming the tinyFPGA...
Recently, I encountered a problem getting the tinyFPGA BX to be recognized in WSL. I...
As the end of 2018 approaches, I thought it might be nice to share a...
Over the weekend I received my new Arduino MKR-WiFi-1010 (the ABX00023) that I purchased from Amazon,...
I recently backed an interesting SPIdriver project on Crowd Supply . For as little as...
This blog entry is about pushing a button. Seems simple enough, eh? Except when the...
I keep seeing these AD/DA modules on ebay, ( such as this one) but I've...
FPGA programming the Lattice Semiconductor iCE40 Ultra Plus Breakout Board. (work in progress, come back...
I found an inexpensive C/TCP-IP, the Embedded Protocol Stack for the Kinetis Arm Cortex-M4 book...
In my last post, I took the latest Preview 1 version of VisualGDB for a...
Recently there was an exciting announcement from the clever folks at sysprogs: Support for the...
The more I use Visual Studio 2017 and the integration with GitHub, the more I...
Today I'm trying to use the AVR serial port on a custom ATMEGA328 board. TL;DR...
Today I revisit my old friend, the Microchip Atmel ATMEGA328P (aka Arduino Uno), although this...
Last month I started working on a project to control GPIO pins on a device...
This is a continuation of my previous blog: M5Stack LoRa Range Issues . TL;DR The M5Stack...
Investigating 32u4 to M5Stack LoRa poor range issues; Background information & initial tool setup. Well,...
I decided to finally learn how to program an FPGA! Here are some first impressions...
Sino:bit - Arduino, OpenOCD and GDB? A little while back, I responded to an offer...
TL;DR; Dont leave running! In my previous post, I wrote about my first impressions...
The state of Internet of Things (IoT) Security is a disaster. Hardly a day goes...
Having an embedded crypto chip to offload SSL processing for say, an ESP8266 sounds really...
After my last post on installing OpenWrt on a Cisco/LinkSys EA3500 to stream RTL-SDR data...
Recently I saw an interesting rtl-sdr article with a YouTube video on setting up a used...
While working on my flow and pressure project, I stumbled upon a notice that Adafruit...
I've been working with the ESP8266 for quite some time now, but I've only programmed...
Recently, I learned about the really awesome Black Magic Probe - an interesting JTAG and...
(see also hardware setup, part 1, and part 2 ) Test drive of OpenOCD WIP branch with VSCode....
This in a continuation from part 1. If you need help connecting the ESP32 to JTAG,...
(last edited June 2, 2017 - added WSL/Ubuntu info, but not working: JTAG device not...
The developers for Visual Studio Code continue to amaze me by implementing really awesome features. This...
Reverse engineering an existing STM32 hardware device. I first started reverse engineering the STM32 based...
minimal description supporting thread at sysprogs forum. see: come back soon. I'll post more...
While working on my OpenDPS Project I needed to use OpenOCD onw Windows. I cheated...
Once again, I found an awesome project via twitter, this time from Johan Kanflo via...
Last month I saw an intriguing article on creating a Z80 CP/M Emulator on my...
I've been wanting to get my ESP8266 to talk MQTT to AWS. steverino on twitter...
Here are my notes on interfacing your basic 1.8" ST7735 TFT LCD display with an STM32...
In my previous post , I explained the problem of J-Link JTAG drivers being changed by...
I recently discovered that none of my Segger J-Link utilities worked any more. My fix for: "No...
I'll be keeping track of my gizmo compatibility here. See also: Atmel ICE...
Notes and information on JTAG Debugging the ESP32 WROOM-32 (aka DevKitC, aka ESP32_Core_Board_V2) I started...
How to setup an IIS web site to access Microsoft SQL and Analysis Services (SSAS aka OLAP) and...
This morning my VisualGDB starting giving me problems with weird error messages about a missing file...
My go-to development tool so far for the ESP8266 is still the Visual Micro add-in for...
To date, my go-to development environment - in Visual Studio 2015, is the VisualMicro add-in....
I've learned quite a bit about OpenOCD, my new Bus Pirate, and JTAG during the...
While watching an Arduino class on PluralSight, I learned that the Arduino IDE is based...
and cable companies wonder why they have been losing customers for years.... Copyright (c)...
sudo apt-get install dnsutils Copyright (c) gojimmypi all rights reserved. Blogger Image Move Cleaned:...
woohoo!! ok, I've spent more time trying to get the WiFi working than anything else. I...
so one of the reasons I bought my RPi was to build a syslog server....
My Rpi works! Ok, the initial display on my old tv was rather poor, but...
As I wait for my RaspPi to arrive, I've been reading more about Arduino. It...
Raspberry Pi is not the only kid on the block. Intel recently announced their latest ...
I ordered a new Raspberry Pi this week from amazon! Copyright (c) gojimmypi all rights...