Some notes on a sample wolfSSL project for the ESP32.

the wolfssh include directory needs to be manually copied to the components/wolfssl.

As the Espressif IDE options is missing from wolfssh/ide/, files need to be manually copied:

cd ~/esp/esp-idf/components/wolfssl/
cp -r /usr/local/include/wolfssh/ .

Environment setup:

# set the project name here; should match the PROJECT_NAME in Makefile, and project() parameter in CMakeLists.txt



# when calling exe

# when using only WSL / Linux


cd ~/esp/esp-idf
. $HOME/esp/esp-idf/


cp -r $IDF_PATH/examples/protocols/wolfssl_benchmark $THIS_PROJECT

# Edit Makefile and  CMakeLists.txt files as appropriate: PROJECT_NAME and project() parameter


# menu will pop up, defaults can be accepted, so just exit

# for convenience and consistency, we'll copy the tool to our project directory
cp $HOME/esp/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ .

# Note in WSL, we'll can call the Windows exe, since we don't have native USB support for programming the device

$PYTHON_EXE $DOS_WORKSPACE\\$THIS_PROJECT\\  --chip esp32  --port $ESP32_COM  --baud 115200 \
  --before default_reset  --after hard_reset write_flash -z  --flash_mode dio  --flash_freq 40m  --flash_size detect \
  0x1000  $DOS_WORKSPACE\\$THIS_PROJECT\\build\\bootloader\\bootloader.bin  \
  0x10000 $DOS_WORKSPACE\\$THIS_PROJECT\\build\\$THIS_PROJECT.bin           \
  0x8000  $DOS_WORKSPACE\\$THIS_PROJECT\\build\\partitions_singleapp.bin      

# but we don't need native USB, so programming over /dev/ttyS[x] in WSL also works:
/home/gojimmypi/esp/esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --chip esp32 --port  $ESP32_COM --baud 115200 \
    --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect \
    0x1000  $WORKSPACE/$THIS_PROJECT/build/bootloader/bootloader.bin \
    0x10000 $WORKSPACE/$THIS_PROJECT/build/my_wolfssl.bin            \
    0x8000  $WORKSPACE/$THIS_PROJECT/build/partitions_singleapp.bin 

“If you are trying to use a user_settings.h with the configure script I would not recommend that approach instead when using the configure script it will generate the file <wolfssl/options.h> which is the replacement for user_settings.h when building with ./configure.

From Confusion about include path

See also:

wolfssl Espressif ESP-IDF esp-idf hello world