Jekyll Gridster Migration Notes
The gojimmypi gridster-jekyll-theme demo site is a submodule created from a the gojimmypi fork of...
The gojimmypi gridster-jekyll-theme demo site is a submodule created from a the gojimmypi fork of...
As convenient as marginally is... I've decided enough is enough with the wonky editing,...
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build...
This a blog about NordVPN (and networking setup in general) for the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X. If you are...
Here are some notes on programming the Lattice Semiconductor iCE40 FPGA chip. This is supplementary...
These are my (admittedly sometimes long and rambling) thoughts and more of a "review" of...
Setting up Cisco Linksys EA3500 as WiFi to WiFi (STA mode) to have wired ethernet...
I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to persuade native Raspberry Pi OS to...